《四季の華》 書道
《四季の華》 書道
Everything is constantly changing, yet flowers, brimming with vitality, endure the uncertainties of nature. They persistently bloom, grow, and bear fruit, embodying life itself. The spirit of "Hagakure" marked by freedom and passion, courses through their veins, allowing them to blossom vibrantly and energetically. Just as in a diverse society, life is filled with joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, but by staying true to oneself, a unique and irreplaceable flower will bloom.
一年, 四季。事物会发生变化,但充满生命力的花朵经受住了大自然的所有不确定性,并不断地通过发芽、成长、结果而屹立。自由和激情的“叶隐”精神流淌在血管中,绚丽而充满活力的花朵盛开。在一个充满多样性的社会中,生活也充满了喜怒哀乐,珍视你的内心,属于你独一无二的花朵就会绽放。